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Researchers' experience with patient partners

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This research project aims to gain a deeper understanding of the experience of researchers involving patient partners in their research projects. The ultimate objective of this project is to formulate avenues that facilitate the involvement of patient partners in health and social services research in the Eastern Townships.

This project was developed to complement the project Experience of patient partners in research (PAFI-CRCHUS 2020-2022) conducted by our research team.

Summary of methodology

Descriptive qualitative study, in the form of 20 semi-structured interviews (60-90 minutes, conducted with researchers from different regions of Quebec and from different disciplines in the field of health and social services (notably medicine, nursing and social work). Sampling is done by purposive selection from a sample of volunteers and using a snowball approach.

The interviews explore various aspects of the researchers' experience with patient-partners such as relationships with the research team, communication, level of involvement, contribution to the project and challenges encountered.

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